Combine ham, cream of chicken soup, cheese, green onions and mayonnaise. Spread on mini-bagels and heat. Easy to prepare, always been a hit at potlucks....
Broiled oysters are elevated from southern backyard fare to upscale appetizers that still call for licking your fingers afterwards. You can use plain oysters...
This is a wonderful appetizer, popular and in demand at any type of party. You can substitute the cocktail rye bread for sliced baguettes. I can't have...
This is a wonderful appetizer, popular and in demand at any type of party. You can substitute the cocktail rye bread for sliced baguettes. I can't have...
This super simple appetizer is sure to make a statement at your next gathering. The flavors meld so beautifully and the presentation on the platter is...
When I saw avocado and ricotta cheese being combined on a menu recently, I was intrigued. Not enough to order it, but enough to buy the ingredients for...
Traditional Italian caprese salad on lightly-toasted bread. It makes a quick and easy supper for 4 or appetizers for 14. Fresh ingredients are key to this...
English muffins, cheese, olives and curry make this wonderfully satisfying appetizer. If you like, you may add some sliced almonds to the spread, or add...
For me, this is summer on a slice of bread. August is national goat cheese month (no, I don't know who decides these things), and what better way to enjoy...
This fabulous appetizer was wonderful at our wine tasting group. Lightly toasted French baguette slices are spread with a diced prosciutto and Parmesan...
This simple and delicious appetizer was inspired by a favorite sandwich I occasionally make--baguette, butter, brie, pear, and pepper. Here we're using...
For this to work as a savory bite, the chocolate must be very dark, bittersweet, and world-class. Look for names that are hard to pronounce. Labels with...
I got this recipe years ago from a friend of a friend. I love it and make it all the time for parties. It looks great on the platter, and it is super easy!...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Have these as appetizers or a light lunch. Using English muffins and canned crab meat. You can store in freezer until ready to use, then cook them. This...
These are a bit different in concept than your average tossed salad crouton. In this case I wanted something crispy and crunchy, with a nice nuttiness...
An absolutely delicious appetizer. To freeze: Freeze canapes uncovered until solid. Wrap well and return to freezer. Reheat at 400 degrees F (205 degrees...
I live to serve some cute, non-sweet foods on Christmas day and these little Santa crackers were a big hit last year. Serve them rather soon after making,...
Easy, delicious appetizer using spicy, capicola ham. Make sure you use fresh basil, as the flavors will not be the same if you use dried. These can be...
Easy, delicious appetizer using spicy, capicola ham. Make sure you use fresh basil, as the flavors will not be the same if you use dried. These can be...
As I researched the health benefits of pumpkin seeds I discovered that not only did they have lots of nutritional benefits, but contained large amounts...
Crunchy baguette with a spread of creamy maple syrup and lemon zest-infused ricotta, topped with crispy prosciutto, sweet basil, and a drizzle of maple...
Crackers are the foundation for this simple but irresistible mixture of tuna, pecans and pineapple delicately spiced with curry. I use this recipe when...
Reduced fat ingredients make this yummy bruschetta especially loveable. Swiss cheese and onions lend their distinctive flavors to appetizers that are impossible...
My father made this for me while experimenting in the kitchen. It was absolutely the most delicious way to use shrimp. I think I've gotten pretty good...
This fabulous appetizer was wonderful at our wine tasting group. Lightly toasted French baguette slices are spread with a diced prosciutto and Parmesan...
Broiled oysters are elevated from southern backyard fare to upscale appetizers that still call for licking your fingers afterwards. You can use plain oysters...
Broiled oysters are elevated from southern backyard fare to upscale appetizers that still call for licking your fingers afterwards. You can use plain oysters...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Crunchy baguette with a spread of creamy maple syrup and lemon zest-infused ricotta, topped with crispy prosciutto, sweet basil, and a drizzle of maple...
An absolutely delicious appetizer. To freeze: Freeze canapes uncovered until solid. Wrap well and return to freezer. Reheat at 400 degrees F (205 degrees...
This super simple appetizer is sure to make a statement at your next gathering. The flavors meld so beautifully and the presentation on the platter is...
This super simple appetizer is sure to make a statement at your next gathering. The flavors meld so beautifully and the presentation on the platter is...
These little appetizers are a great way to enjoy the flavors of blended meats and cheese on tasty rye bread slices. Great for the guys, Super Bowl® parties,...